What is a PCN?

West Kent Primary Care offers a variety of services to patients and Primary Care Networks

Primary Care Networks (PCNs) were established in 2019 and brought together GP practices in same the neighborhood. PCNs work together alongside other local providers such as community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and council services. Watch this NHS video for an overview.

West Kent has 9 PCNs. Each PCN is led by a Clinical Director who may be a GP, practice nurse, clinical pharmacist or other clinical professional working within general practice.

PCNs help to deliver proactive, personalised, and more integrated care within neighborhoods and make sure the different health and care services work together better.

PCNs can access NHS funding to pay for staff working in roles such as clinical pharmacists and physician associates – known as Additional Roles. These roles help practices provide more personalised and proactive care to patients.

West Kent Primary Care supports most PCNs in West Kent with back office support such as recruitment, quality compliance and finance management.

Find out how we support PCNs.

Covid 19

For the latest NHS advice and guidance please visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/